What is the best Q-bank to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 exam?
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Diabetes Mellitus Management Goals: Pharmacologic Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus type 2 recommendations: Metformin is the first-line treatment unless contraindicated, it should be started at the time of diagnosis always. The three major contraindications for Metformin use are: Impaired renal function: Abnormal creatinine absolute values or creatinine clearance,…
The preparation for the USMLE exams can be quite challenging, not exclusively due to the difficulty level involved, but also the insecurity that we may feel about how to prepare for it. Knowing how to make a study plan for the…
These are the blue sheet, physical exam, diagnostic studies and differential diagnosis needed for a hearing loss case in the USMLE Step 2 CS exam: BLUE SHEET HEARING LOSS: HEARING LOSS MNEMONIC: “NOISE HITS THE (DA = DD) eaRS” N:…
These are the blue sheet, physical exam, diagnostic studies and differential diagnosis needed for a headache case in the USMLE Step 2 CS exam: BLUE SHEET HEADACHE: HEADACHE MNEMONIC: AT&T WIRELESS (ATNT WIRELESS): Sometimes the AT&T service gives us headaches,…
En este tutorial mostraré como reservar nuestra fecha de exámen USMLE. Para poder hacerlo primero necesitamos obtener nuestro “Scheduling Permit”. Si Aún no lo hemos obtenido por favor, dirigirse a la sección Residencia Médica en Estados Unidos donde encontrarán toda la…
Para poder aplicar a una residencia (posgrado) médica en los Estados Unidos es fundamental aplicar al certificado ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates). En anteriores publicaciones he mencionado acerca de ECFMG, su importancia y función dentro de este proceso.…
La aplicación a los exámenes USMLE se puede realizar una vez hayamos aplicado a la certificación ECFMG. Es decir, si no hemos realizado aún la aplicación inicial al certificado ECFMG les recomiendo primero hacerlo antes de continuar. Para más información…
These are the blue sheet, physical exam, diagnostic studies and differential diagnosis needed for an abdominal pain case in the USMLE Step 2 CS exam: BLUE SHEET abdominal pain: MNEMONIC ABDOMINAL PAIN: BRAVO B: Bloody stools. R: Relation with food. A:…